Sunday, September 11, 2011

Headless Shadows

Sidewalk Shadow
I was walking around campus trying to find people that would depict my headless portrait and as I was sitting by the Law School fountain, I glanced at my reflection in the water and realized, I could be my own headless portrait. I watched my shadow bounce around in the water and decided to go for it. I found it funny that this idea popped into my head (using my shadow in the water) because for me water is everything. I'm a sailor from Rhode Island, I was born and raised on the water. I could probably swim even before I could walk. 
After I snapped a few shots, I decided to then move my pictures onto land. I found a significant spot, the spot where we had our Orientation Adviser shirt ceremony and stood where I had gazed at my staff for the first time in their bright red polo's. This spot, for me, was the culmination of almost a year's worth of work in Orientation. 
                                                            This spot was the beginning to the end. 

Watery Reflection

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