Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We will never forget

For all those who we have lost and will never forget
Ten years ago we lost nearly 3,000 innocent lives because of hatred, arrogance, and lack of value toward humanity. Today we honor all those who lost their lives and honor those whom we will never forget.
"Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It's a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It's also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend-even a friend whose name it never knew."                                                                    -George W. Bush

Headless Shadows

Sidewalk Shadow
I was walking around campus trying to find people that would depict my headless portrait and as I was sitting by the Law School fountain, I glanced at my reflection in the water and realized, I could be my own headless portrait. I watched my shadow bounce around in the water and decided to go for it. I found it funny that this idea popped into my head (using my shadow in the water) because for me water is everything. I'm a sailor from Rhode Island, I was born and raised on the water. I could probably swim even before I could walk. 
After I snapped a few shots, I decided to then move my pictures onto land. I found a significant spot, the spot where we had our Orientation Adviser shirt ceremony and stood where I had gazed at my staff for the first time in their bright red polo's. This spot, for me, was the culmination of almost a year's worth of work in Orientation. 
                                                            This spot was the beginning to the end. 

Watery Reflection

Headless Portrait

The headless "Orientation Adviser"
I work for the University as Student Coordinator of Orientation 2011. One of my roles is to oversee the 75 Orientation Advisers that help make Orientation possible. As I started my first shot at the "headless" portrait, I stumbled upon one of the OAs at an Orientation Extended event. He was waiting in the Pryz. for the first year students to sign into the event. Each adviser is asked to run 3 to 4 events where they welcome the students, sign them in, and inquire as to how the students are adjusting to life at CUA. Most opt to run more, as many as 8 events throughout the program. Advisers dedicate 1-2 hours to run these events each week, with some running as many as 4 events per week. 
Unfortunately no one showed up for this event.